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Solskydd ur ett miljöperspektiv
Creating sunscreen products is both resource-intensive and has an environmental impact. On the one hand from the manufacturing process, where resources are required to produce raw materials, manufacture the product itself and its packaging, but also from the logistics chain with all its transport and emissions. But something that may not be considered is that these products also have an impact on the environment during and after we have used them. In particular, aquatic organisms and their ecosystems are at risk of being affected because some of the product we use ends up in the water - when we swim, shower after the beach or when we wash clothes and towels with residual sunscreen.

It is estimated that 25% of the sunscreen we apply to our bodies ends up in the water. A number of scientific publications have attempted to map the effects of various UV filters on the environment, with some chemicals - including Benzophenone-3, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Octocrylene, Ethylhexyl Salicylate, Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane and Homosalate - identified as particularly hazardous to ecosystems. These cause, among other things, coral to become more susceptible to bleaching, to deform and to become less resilient to climate change.

Amerikanska Jungfruöarna antog nyligen ett förbud mot import, försäljning och innehav av solskyddsmedel som innehåller de aktiva ingredienserna Bensophenone-3, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate och Octocrylene. Även Hawaii och Key West i Florida är redo att förbjuda användning av Bensophenone-3 och Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate i solskyddsmedel. I resten av USA är dock båda filtren fortfarande tillåtna (Benofenon-3 på en maximal nivå på 6 procent, samma som i EU). Inom EU har man hittills inte begränsat användningen av UV-filter på grund av deras negativa miljöpåverkan.

The more skin-friendly mineral filters, titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, have also been shown to adversely affect aquatic organisms such as fish, algae and crustaceans, so their use alone is not preferable from an environmental perspective.

The situation is complex, but to adequately protect yourself from the sun, our advice is to use a sunscreen that contains a combination of safe modern organic filters as well as mineral filters. But remember, don't rely entirely on sunscreen; avoid the strongest sun during the day, wear protective clothing hats, sunglasses and take care of your skin.