
Our ambition is to develop skincare products with the lowest possible climate impact. We strive to work with sustainability at all levels and put great effort into finding solutions that minimize our negative impact on our planet. Amazingly, what is more sustainable for the planet is also more sustainable for our skin.


What is Slow Skincare?

When it comes to skincare, we advocate a minimalist routine and we call this concept and philosophy "slow skincare". Slow skincare is about investing in products that are carefully made using sustainable methods and carefully selected ingredients. This philosophy emphasizes the use of fewer high quality products to reduce unnecessary consumption and waste and represents a skincare approach that is both beneficial to the individual and to our planet.


Slow skincare x Skinome

We want to take the opportunity to raise awareness and push for a change towards what we think is best for both the skin and our planet - this is what we call slow skincare. The skincare industry has long been characterized by numerous and frequent product launches, simply to sell more and create a sense of innovation. Unfortunately, this results in a lot of products that are never used and become waste. We want to encourage people to take a step back and prioritize quality over quantity and to focus on long-term, sustainable solutions. Instead of quick but short-term results, we advocate for lasting positive changes and results both in terms of how the skin feels and how it looks. sustainability is also about small-scale production to avoid product waste and ethical production with human rights and environmental considerations in focus. We think it's great that our passion for what makes the skin feel good is also much better for our planet.


UN Agenda 30

Our sustainability work is based on from Agenda 2030 and the UN's 17 global sustainable development goals. The goals serve as a guide for companies and others to demonstrate how their activities help promote sustainable development, both by minimizing negative impacts and maximizing positive impacts on people and the planet. We seek to follow the UN's advice by assessing our impact, setting targets and communicating openly about the results.

We put extra focus on sustainability when it comes to the four areas where we have the greatest impact - materials, production, transportation and consumption. Here you can read more about our value chain and how we have tried to act responsibly and sustainably by minimizing unnecessary emissions and waste in all stages of our supply chain - from production to consumer.

"Hållbarhet är inte ett eget och avgränsat fokusområde för oss. Det är integrerat i allt vi gör och ligger till grund för alla beslut vi tar."
Lydia Engholm
CEO at Skinome


Choosing sustainable packaging solutions and materials is essential to reduce our environmental impact and preserve the planet's resources. We therefore always try to find and work with materials that are recyclable, biodegradable or recycled to reduce waste and preserve nature for future generations.


Made in Sweden

Sweden has long been a symbol of quality, innovation and sustainability and we are proud that both our development and production take place in Sweden. Our laboratory, located in Stockholm, is our heart and behind the development of each product lies many years of research and a deep knowledge of the skin and what the skin does best. Our team of chemists work under the leadership of our founder and skin scientist Dr. Johanna Gillbro and our innovation manager and skincare expert Ulf Åkerström. By conducting our own development, we have full control over all steps and thanks to the fact that production takes place in Sweden, we have full insight into the fact that it is conducted in an ethical and sustainable manner.


Transport & Logistics

Our warehouse is located in Sweden where our skin care products are stored in large, professional refrigerators until they are sent to you as a customer. We are constantly working to optimize our logistics chain so that you can get your products as quickly as possible while the transport is done in the best way from a sustainability perspective.