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Our guide to retinol - 5 simple tips
If you're a knowledgeable skincare user, you'll already know about retinol - one of the most talked about ingredients in the skincare world. But if it's an ingredient you've just discovered, you'll soon notice that you're suddenly seeing and hearing the word retinol everywhere. That's because it's one of the few ingredients that has been used in skincare for a long time and has been scientifically proven to work. What retinol is, how it works and what results you can expect, we thought we'd share with you in a simple five-step guide.

But first, here's what retinol does in a nutshell

  • Stimulates skin collagen and elastin production
  • Improves skin texture which can rejuvenate the skin's appearance
  • Dampens and regulates the skin's sebum production, making the skin less oily
  • Counteracts clogged pores and acts preventively and therapeutically on acne
  • Reduces and prevents pigmentation changes by increasing cell renewal

1. What is retinol? 

The collective name for vitamin A in skin care and pharmaceuticals is retinoids. The strongest and most effective are tretinoin, followed by retinol, retinal and various types of retinyl esters. However, only retinol, retinal and retinyl esters can be used in cosmetic products.

The retinyl esters, i.e. anything beginning with retinyl in the list of ingredients, are by far the most widely used retinoids. The reason is that they are the most stable and best suited for traditional skin care* as they do not degrade, i.e. lose their effect, as easily at room temperature. However, they are the least effective retinoids because they are twice the molecular weight of pure vitamin A, i.e. the one called retinol, and therefore do not penetrate the skin in the same way.

*Traditional skincare is what we call skincare with long shelf life that can be stored at room temperature due to various additives that are there for the product and not for the good of the skin.

2. Why use retinol?

Retinoids are widely used in skin care and pharmaceuticals because they are effective against signs of ageing, acne, psoriasis and other skin conditions. The strength of the particular thing called retinol is that its molecules are so small that they are able to penetrate the skin and reach our middle layer of skin, the dermis, where it stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. This improves and evens out skin texture, resulting in smoother skin with fewer fine lines and wrinkles.

3. What does it mean that retinol has a scientifically proven effect?

Retinol is one of the most well-studied substances in dermatology and the cosmetics industry and one of the few substances that actually demonstrates an effect on the skin in clinical studies. The importance of retinol for the skin was already clear during the First World War when it was discovered that a lack of retinol led to very dry and calloused skin. In the late 1960s, the substance was produced synthetically and for the last twenty years it has been used to treat various skin conditions such as acne. It was precisely when retinol was used to treat acne that the rejuvenating properties of retinol were discovered. Patients who were treated experienced a (positive) side effect as it led to fewer and smaller wrinkles and more elastic skin.

4. When should I use retinol?

We recommend using retinol mainly in skin care products applied at night. Retinol is sensitive to UV light and degrades rapidly, i.e. loses its effect, when exposed to sunlight. This also applies to the retinol that is naturally present in our skin. Retinol also increases cell renewal and if you use retinol , we recommend that you use sun protection factor 30 to 50 on your face during the day from April to September if you are going to be outdoors (if you live in the Nordic countries).

5. What is important to consider if I want to start using skin care with retinol?

Few skincare users know that retinoids are extremely sensitive and can lose efficacy over time if storage conditions are not optimal. Simply put, you may not get the effect that your skin care product actually promised. Retinol is sensitive to air and temperature and is easily spoiled. Therefore, never buy a cream with retinol if it is packaged in a jar as opening and closing the lid will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the retinol. In Skinome products, we can guarantee that the retinol concentration is maintained thanks to our refrigerated logistics chain and the fact that we ask our customers to keep the product in a refrigerator.

Care should always be taken when using retinol . Try one night and see how it feels, and then try again after 2-3 nights and continue in this way for 2-3 weeks. If it feels good, you can start using the product every night. 

Night Actives

Våra retinol produkter

Night Active Retinol

Vår Night Active Retinol innehåller hudeget retinol då vårt fokus är att efterlikna hudens naturliga komposition i så stor utsträckning som möjligt. Vi har valt vår koncentration, 0,06 procent, med målet att det ska vara precis lagom för huden och dess funktion för att främja en hälsosam hud. Läs mer om Night Active Retinol.

Night Active Control

Vår Night Active Control innehåller också hudeget retinol då vårt fokus är att efterlikna hudens naturliga komposition i så stor utsträckning som möjligt. I denna formula har vi valt en något högre koncentration, 0,1 procent, då en oljig/kombinationshud är mer tolerant än en torrare hud är. Läs mer om Night Active Control.