Skin microbiome
Endocrine disruptors and possible impact during pregnancy

Endocrine disruptors and possible impact during pregnancy

Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that can disrupt the body's hormonal balance. They are found in many everyday products that we use regularly, including...

Skin microbiome
Skin care during menopause

Skin care during menopause

During menopause, many people notice changes in their skin. It may be worth reviewing your skincare routine so that you can...

Skin microbiome
Skin during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Skin during pregnancy and breastfeeding

When you become pregnant, your body undergoes a major change and is affected both externally and internally. This is due to...

Skin microbiome
Skin aging - does our bacteria play a crucial role?

Skin aging - does our bacteria play a crucial role?

Like everything else on our body, our skin changes as we age. This is partly due to the fact that collagen levels in the skin go down which makes...

Skin microbiome
Who chooses your love partner - you or your skin microbiome?

Who chooses your love partner - you or your skin microbiome?

Now in mid-February it is Valentine's Day and just in time for this weekend, which for many goes in...

Skin microbiome
What you didn't know about vitiligo

What you didn't know about vitiligo

Vitiligo is a chronic skin disease characterized by depigmented (white) areas of skin on the body. The disease is common and affects 1-2% of the...

Skin microbiome
7 lifestyle factors that affect your skin

7 lifestyle factors that affect your skin

Din hudhälsa speglar till stor del din livsstil. Allt du stoppar i kroppen, från morötter till tobaksrök, påverkar din hud....

Skin microbiome
Skinome and Gutfeeling labs in joint study

Skinome and Gutfeeling labs in joint study

Många av oss känner till tarmflorans betydelse för vår allmänna hälsa, däremot är hudmikrobiomet inte lika väl etablerat. Under de...

Skin microbiome
Your skin health is affected by your unique universe of microorganisms

Your skin health is affected by your unique universe of microorganisms

De flesta av oss känner till vikten av en balanserad tarmflora för en god hälsa. Men hur är det med...

Skin microbiome
Get to know your skin - Skin's ABC

Get to know your skin - Skin's ABC

Huden är ett av kroppens viktigaste organ, förutom att tjäna som vårt yttersta försvar mot sol, dåliga bakterier och farliga...