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Episode 2 - High concentrations of active ingredients

Episode 2: Are high concentrations of active ingredients more effective?

Dive into the latest episode of "Skincare Myth or Truth" with Eva Röse as she explores the truth behind high concentrations of active skincare ingredients. With today's product labels proudly displaying high percentages of these ingredients, the question arises: Is more really better?

Think of medicines as a comparison where dosage is crucial: take paracetamol as an example. Too little gives no relief, while too much can be harmful. The same principle applies to skincare - so why exceed the recommended amount?

Through our series with Eva Röse, we aim to highlight the scientific side of skin care and help you make informed decisions about your skin health.


Want to know more about high concentrations of active ingredients?

I vår artikel om höga koncentrationer av aktiva ingredienser förklarar Hudexperten Johanna Gillbro om ingrediensernas funktion och vilka koncentrationer som rekommenderas för att få optimal effekt samtidigt som man bibehåller en god hudhälsa. Läs artikeln här.

Our article on retinol tells you more about the well-known ingredient Vitamin A. How effective is your retinol product? Read the article here.

Want to watch the first episode of "Skincare Myth or Truth" with Eva Röse?

In the first episode of 'Skincare Myth or Truth with Eva Röse', we delve into the mystery of miracle ingredients and find out the truth behind ingredients like diamond powder, gold particles and snail slime. Watch episode 1 here.