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Synthetic or natural ingredients - which is best?
We are often asked whether we use only natural ingredients in our skincare products and whether we avoid chemicals. After all, all chemicals are bad for us, right? In fact, everything around us is a chemical. In this article, we want to explain and increase the understanding of what is meant by the different terms. For example, synthetic and natural substances are often used in the context of skincare.


Kemikalier och kemiska ämnen är fundamentala i vår vardag och för allt liv på jorden. De kan delas in i naturligt förekommande och syntetiskt framställda, men det är även viktigt att överväga hur de tillverkas och vilka specifika egenskaper de har. Naturliga ämnen kan framställas på syntetiskt sätt i fabriker, och vi kan nu använda mikroorganismer för att producera ämnen som tidigare inte funnits i på ett naturligt sätt. Ämnens positiva eller negativa egenskaper beror inte heller enbart på deras ursprung, där både naturligt och syntetiskt framställda ämnen kan ha fördelaktiga eller skadliga egenskaper. Det är viktigt att utvärdera ämnena utifrån deras specifika karaktär och användning istället för att förlita sig på den naturliga/syntetiska uppdelningen.

We believe it is important to deepen the understanding of natural and synthetic substances and to clarify the similarities and differences in how they are produced and their properties. For example, natural perfumes or essential oils are among the most allergenic substances used in skin care. Synthetic substances can also reduce the negative impact of chemicals on the environment, so the choice of good substances is key, whether natural or synthetic.

Everything is a chemical and a prerequisite for life

Chemicals or chemical substances are everywhere around us and are necessary for all life to function - they are in the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, and even our own bodies. The most common substances on Earth, such as water and oxygen in the air, are chemicals. Chemicals are also present in all the complex things that we humans make and that are needed in our technologically advanced world.

Chemical substances are traditionally divided into two main categories: naturally occurring and synthetically produced, with the latter group consisting mainly of new substances created by humans that did not exist in nature before.

But just as important as identifying whether the substances are naturally occurring or synthetically produced is highlighting how they have been produced and what their properties are. Naturally occurring substances can be produced synthetically and thus be produced in a more resource-efficient way than if we extract them directly from nature. With today's knowledge and techniques, we can also get bacteria or other microorganisms to produce substances that did not previously exist in nature, i.e. synthetic substances are being produced in an increasingly natural way.

The properties of a substance are not determined by whether it is natural or synthetic. Naturally occurring substances can have bad properties for both humans and the environment if they are spread in the wrong place, in the wrong concentration and at the wrong time. The same applies to synthetically produced substances, which can have both good and bad properties.   

Naturally occurring chemicals

Naturally occurring chemicals are substances found in nature and are present in everything from the human body to plants, animals and our atmosphere. They are widely used and are incredibly important for many processes e.g. water, proteins and various minerals are essential for all life on earth. Naturally occurring chemicals used in skin care are water, glycerol, retinol, various minerals and oils but also complex mixtures such as extracts from of different plants and animals.

A naturally occurring or skin endogenous substance in skincare can also be synthetically produced. Moreover, even if they are of natural origin, the substances have always undergone different manufacturing steps to ensure the purity and quality of the substance. This reduces the difference between a natural and synthetic substance, but the key is that both should be safe and effective when included in your skincare product.

Synthetically produced chemicals

Synthetic chemicals are those created by humans through chemical processes. These substances can be completely new, or be variations of naturally occurring substances. Synthetic chemicals can also be naturally occurring, i.e. they are exactly the same substance that exists naturally but is artificially produced. Some examples of such substances are urea (carbamide), ceramides, lactic acid but also retinol and vitamin C which are all skin-identical substances but can be produced synthetically.

Some naturally occurring chemicals can be used as raw materials in the production of synthetic substances. In skincare this is very common and many oils, emulsifiers and cleansers are of natural origin but are more or less chemically modified.

Environmental impact and safety of chemicals, natural is not better than synthetic

Both naturally occurring and synthetically produced chemicals can affect the environment and human health. A natural substance does not necessarily have better properties than a synthetic one, and vice versa. It is therefore important to select, manage and use all substances responsibly, regardless of their origin or method of production. Ultimately, if substances are dispersed, they should be able to be dealt with and degraded, by wastewater treatment plants or in the environment, and have low toxicity, i.e. not have a negative impact on humans or the environment. The choice of good substances is key, whether natural or synthetic.

Want to learn more?

Vid framställning av syntetiska kemikalier används olika tekniker eller metoder, som kan vara mer eller mindre resurskrävande och/eller miljövänliga. I den här artikel listar vi några av de vanligaste. Läs artikeln här