Terms and conditions
1. General

These general terms and conditions (the "Terms") apply when you as a consumer ("You") place an order via www.skinome.com (the "Site"). The agreement is entered into between you and Skinome Research AB, corporate identity number 559164-0189 ("Skinome"). Detailed contact details and other information about Skinome can be found on the Site. The terms and conditions are only applicable to you as a consumer who places orders via the Site.


In order to order on the Site, you must be at least 18 years old. According to Swedish law, Skinome does not accept credit purchases from persons under the age of 18. Skinome reserves the right to refuse or change your order in individual cases (for example, if you have provided incorrect personal data and/or have payment remarks).


Skinome reserves the right for final sales and any image and typographical errors on the site, such as errors in product description or technical specification, incorrect prices and price adjustments (such as changes in prices from suppliers or currency changes) or incorrect information regarding whether an item is in stock. Skinome has the right to correct any such errors and to change or update the information at any time. If an incorrect price has been indicated for an item that you have ordered, Skinome will of course notify you of this and await your approval of the corrected price before Skinome proceeds with the order. All pictorial information on the Site is for illustrative purposes only. Such illustrations cannot be guaranteed to represent the number of items you receive or the exact appearance, features or origin of the item. from Skinome is not responsible for any information on the Site provided by a third party.


The site, and all content on it, is owned by Skinome or its licensors. The information is protected by, among other things, intellectual property and marketing laws. This means that trademarks, company names, product names, images and graphics, design, layout and information about goods, services and other content may not be copied or used without the written consent of from Skinome.

2. contract and order

In order to make a purchase through the site, You must accept the Terms and Conditions. By accepting the Terms and Conditions, You undertake to comply with the Terms and Conditions in their entirety, and agree that You have read the information on personal data and consent to the use of personal data and cookies in accordance with Skinome's Privacy Policy.


A purchase agreement is only concluded when Skinome has confirmed your order and you have received the order confirmation from Skinome by e-mail. Skinome encourages you to save this order confirmation for possible contacts with Skinome's customer service. You can withdraw your order until it has been confirmed by Skinome. If the order is withdrawn, Skinome will refund any payments made by you or your debit or credit card companies in relation to the order. 


After you have placed an order, you will receive an order confirmation to the email address you have provided as soon as your purchase has been approved.

3. Customer data etc.

When registering your user account and/or placing an order, you will be asked to provide certain personal data. You confirm that the information you provide is correct and complete and are responsible for any incorrectly filled in information. Information on Skinome's processing of personal data can be found in the Skinome Privacy Policy.


You undertake to ensure that no one else can use your login details. You must not disclose your username and password to any unauthorized person and must ensure that documents containing your username and password are stored in such a way that no unauthorized person can access the information. You must immediately notify Skinome if it is suspected that an unauthorized person has gained access to your password. You are responsible for all purchases made with your login details if such notification has not been made.


If Skinome suspects that you are misusing your user account or login information or otherwise violating the Terms, Skinome has the right to suspend you. Skinome also has the right to assign you new login details.

4. Prices, charges and payment

Vid beställning via sajten gäller de priser som anges på sajten. Priser anges i SEK, EURO eller NOK och priserna är alltid inklusive moms. Priserna inkluderar inte eventuella fraktavgifter som anges separat i kassan.


Skinome har rätt att ta betalt redan i samband med beställningen. Skinome förbehåller sig rätten att inte alltid erbjuda alla betalsätt, alternativt ändra betalsätt om det som Du valt av någon anledning inte fungerar vid tillfället för köpet. Observera att eventuella begränsningar för betalningsalternativ anges på Sajten.


We accept card payments with VISA, MasterCard and Klarna Pay Now, as well as invoice payments with Klarna Pay Later. When you pay by debit card or Klarna, the payment is handled by our payment partner Shopify Payments to ensure fast and secure payment.


Vid returer kan du se din återbetalning på ditt kontoutdrag inom 14 bankdagar räknat från och med dagen du fick din returbekräftelse från oss. Återbetalningen görs alltid till samma betalkort som användes vid köpet. 

5. Promotions and offers

Skinome may from time to time offer promotions on the Site which may have more favourable terms than those set out in these Terms and Conditions, e.g. regarding payment or extended right of withdrawal. These more favourable conditions apply as long as the promotion is active and for the specific goods indicated by Skinome in connection with the promotion. Skinome reserves the right to withdraw such promotions at any time. Upon termination or withdrawal of a promotion, these Terms and Conditions shall apply without modification. Offers on specific items on the Site are valid for a limited time and while supplies last.

6. Delivery and transportation
6.1 Frakt

Vi levererar inom hela EU och till Norge.


Varor som finns i lager levereras normalt inom det antal arbetsdagar som anges när du väljer leveransmetod för din order. Under avsnitten 6.4 och 6.5 kan du även se respektive leveransalternativs förväntade leveranstid. Om inte annat särskilt avtalats och en leverans tar mer än 14 dagar och detta inte beror på dig som kund har du rätt att häva köpet.


If parcels are to be collected, You must do so within the time specified in the notification. Parcels should normally be collected in person with a valid ID and order number. You will always receive a notification showing where and when parcels are to be collected. Notification can be made by e-mail, regular mail and, if you have provided a mobile phone number, also by phone call or SMS.  

6.4 Leveransmetod för prenumerationsorders

Vi erbjuder alltid fri frakt på dina prenumerationsordrar. 

Dina prenumerationsordrar levereras med vårt förvalda leveransalternativ enligt nedan:

Sverige: Budbee Box (2-3 arbetsdagar)

When placing an order, your nearest parcel box will automatically be selected for delivery. Via the Budbee app or your tracking link via email, you have the option to change to another parcel box at no extra cost once Budbee has registered your order.

Orders till adresser som inte täcks av Budbee leveras med PostNord.

Tyskland: DHL Home Delivery (2-4 arbetsdagar)

Övriga EU + Norge: UPS Home Delivery (2-4 arbetsdagar)

6.5 Leveransalternativ för engångsköp

DHL Utlämningsställe – 1-3 arbetsdagar

Budbee Box – 2-3 arbetsdagar

Budbee Hemleverans – 2-3 arbetsdagar

PostNord MyPack Home Small - 1-3 arbetsdagar

Din order levereras till din postlåda. För de paket som inte ryms i postlådan eller fastighetsboxen så lämnas dessa till närmaste postombud.

UPS Home Delivery - 2-4 arbetsdagar

För beställningar inom Norge tillkommer ingen införselmoms och tullavgift.

Tyskland, Finland, Danmark
UPS Home Delivery - 2-4 arbetsdagar

DHL Service Point - 2-4 arbetsdagar

DHL Home Delivery - 2-4 arbetsdagar

Övriga EU-länder:

UPS Home Delivery - 2-4 arbetsdagar

7. Ångerrätt och 100% nöjd kund-garanti

When purchasing goods on the site, the 14-day right of withdrawal always applies in accordance with current consumer protection legislation. This means that you have the right to cancel your purchase by notifying Skinome within 14 days from after you or your agent has received the ordered item (the withdrawal period). In addition, you as a customer always have a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee, which means that if you are not satisfied with your product that you have purchased from Skinome, you always have the right to get your money back if you notify this within 30 days from after you or your agent have received the ordered product.


Vid utövande av ångerrätten ska varan skickas i retur inom 14 dagar räknat från det datum du meddelande Skinome om utövande av ångerrätt. Varan ska skickas väl emballerad och i fint skick. Returer ska göras till Skinome enligt de metoder och anvisningar som anges av Skinome under avsnitt 8.

Vid utnyttjande av 100% nöjd kund-garanti vänligen kontakta oss på info@skinome.se.


När Du ångrar ditt köp betalar Skinome tillbaka det belopp som Du betalat för varan, exklusive eventuella returkostnader. På det belopp som ska återbetalas har Skinome också rätt att dra av en summa motsvarande varans värdeminskning jämfört med varans ursprungliga värde, om och i den mån sådan värdeminskning beror på att Du har hanterat varan i större utsträckning än vad som är nödvändigt för att fastställa dess egenskaper eller funktion.


Skinome will refund the amount as soon as possible, but no later than 14 days from from the date we received your return and sent you a return confirmation by email. The refund will be made to you via the payment option you chose when you purchased the item, unless otherwise agreed or there are obstacles to such a refund.

8. Retur

Vid ångerrätt behöver produkterna vara oanvända och oöppnade för att en retur ska gälla. För att en retur ska vara giltig måste du också ha tagit emot paketet eller hämtat ut det från ditt ombud. Ett ej uthämtat paket som automatiskt skickas tillbaka till oss räknas inte som en giltig retur och vi kan ta ut en extra avgift enligt avsnitt 8.3.

Om produkterna är förstörda eller använda gäller inte återbetalning. Kontrollera alltid att din försändelse är oskadd vid leverans.

Du registrerar din retur eller din reklamation här. Fyll i din mailadress, ordernummer och följ instruktionerna.

För returer tar vi ut en avgift:

Sverige: 59 SEK

Norge: 99 NOK


In case of an accepted return/complaint, we will refund the amount of your order within 14 days.

8.2 Ej uthämtade paket

Om du ej hämtar ut ditt paket och det automatiskt skickas tillbaka till oss så tar vi ut en extra avgift för den extra hanteringskostnaden samt att vi kan komma att behöva kassera produkten. Då vår hudvård är färsk är det viktigt att hämta den snabbt om du har beställt den till ett postombud.


Avgift för ej uthämtade paket:

Sverige: 149 SEK
Norge: 199 NOK
EU: 19 EUR

9. Reklamation

Reklamationsrätten täcker varor som är felaktiga enligt gällande konsumentskyddslagstiftning. Upptäcker du att varan är defekt när du får hem din order så ska du kontakta Skinome så snart som möjligt, dock senaste 14 dagar efter du mottagit din order. Registrera din reklamation här så kommer vi därefter kontakta dig. Reklamationer som görs inom två månader från det att Du upptäckt felet anses alltid ha lämnats i rätt tid. Du har 3 års reklamationsrätt på varor inköpta på Sajten


Once the claimed goods have been returned and the claim is accepted, Skinome will compensate you in accordance with applicable consumer protection legislation. Skinome strives to do this within 30 days from after Skinome receives the complaint, but it may take longer sometimes. Skinome reserves the right to refuse a complaint if it turns out that the product is not defective according to current consumer protection legislation. For complaints, Skinome follows the guidelines of from Allmänna Reklamationsnämnden, see www.arn.se. More information is available at www.konsumentverket.se.

10. Tillämplig lag och tvist

Tvister ska i första hand lösas i samförstånd efter diskussion med Skinome kundtjänst (info@skinome.se).


Om tvist ej kan lösas i samförstånd med Skinome kundtjänst, kan du som kund vända dig till ARN (Allmänna reklamationsnämnden) som du hittar mer information om på www.arn.se. Du kan även lämna klagomål direkt online via EU-kommissionens plattform för medling i tvister, som du hittar via följande länk https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr. Lämnar du in ett klagomål via denna plattform, vidarebefordras ditt ärende automatiskt till rätt nationellt ansvarigt tvistlösningsorgan. Detta tvistlösningsorgan tar sedan kontakt med oss och försöker lösa tvisten utan att blanda in domstol.

In the event of a dispute, Skinome follows decisions from ARN or equivalent dispute resolution body.


Tvist rörande tolkningen eller tillämpningen av dessa Villkor ska tolkas i enlighet med svensk lag och avgöras enligt punkt 13.2 ovan eller i sista hand av allmän domstol. 

These Terms and Conditions have been adopted by Skinome on 2020-03-29

11. Länkar

Skinome may link to other websites that are outside of Skinome's control, and websites outside of Skinome's control may link to the Site. Although Skinome attempts to ensure that Skinome only links to sites that share Skinome's privacy and security practices as set forth in the Privacy Policy, Skinome is not responsible for the protection or privacy of any information or personal data that You provide on other sites. You should exercise caution and read the privacy policy of the relevant Site.

12. Force Majeure

Skinome is not responsible for delays caused by circumstances beyond Skinome's control such as general labour disputes, war, fire, lightning, terrorist attacks, changes in government regulations, technical problems, failure of electricity/telephone/data connections or other communications, and failure or delay in services of from subcontractor due to any circumstance specified herein. These circumstances shall constitute grounds for exemption from damages and other penalties. If the circumstance has lasted longer than two months, both You and Skinome have the right to cancel the purchase with immediate effect.

13. Ändringar av villkoren

Skinome reserves the right to make changes to these Terms at any time. Any changes to these Terms will be posted on the Site. Changes will be effective from upon Your acceptance of the Terms (at the time of a new purchase or visit to the Site), or 30 days after Skinome has notified You of the changes. However, Skinome recommends that You check the Site regularly for any changes to the Terms.

14. Ogiltighet

Should a competent court, authority or arbitration panel find that any provision of these Terms is invalid or unenforceable, the provision in question and all other provisions shall be enforceable and enforceable to the extent permitted by applicable law. The provisions declared invalid or ineligible will be replaced by relevant legal guidance and advice.

15. Integritetspolicy
15.1 Dina personuppgifter och hur vi hanterar dem

When you entrust Skinome Research AB with your personal data, it is important to us that you feel safe. We protect your personal privacy. Your personal data is processed with the utmost respect and in accordance with applicable legislation. This policy describes how we collect and process your personal data when you visit our website and use the services offered there.

All personal data processing is carried out in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. The controller is Skinome Research AB (company registration no. 559164-0189) with address Hornsgatan 172, 117 28 Stockholm.

When you place your order, you agree that we save and use your data to fulfill and provide the service you can expect from us.

15.2 Vad är en personuppgift?

Personal data is information and data that can be directly or indirectly attributed to a natural person who is alive. Examples of personal data are name, social security number, address, e-mail address and telephone number. It can also apply to customer numbers, encrypted data and various types of electronic identities such as IP numbers.

Any action taken with personal data constitutes a processing, regardless of whether it is carried out automatedly or not. Examples of common treatments are collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, processing, transfer and deletion. 

15.3 Vilka personuppgifter samlar vi in och varför?

Information you provide when you become a customer of Skinome Research AB
When you become a customer of Skinome Research AB, it means that we collect your contact information: name, e-mail address, telephone number, address, delivery method, possible delivery point and IP address.

The purchase agreement that we have entered into with you constitutes the legal basis for the processing of your personal data and is necessary for us to comply with our legal obligations and fulfill this agreement with you regarding, for example, delivery and payment.

Data collected during personal contact

When you contact us by email, contact form or chat, for example, we collect the personal data you provide to us. We do this to be able to answer your questions and to handle your case. This may include information such as your name, email address and order number. We also collect information that you choose to provide to us regarding, for example, health conditions or medicines.

If your question relates to a complaint, we will process your data in order to fulfill our obligations under applicable consumer law. We do this on the legal basis of our purchase contract with you.

15.4 Hur använder vi dina personuppgifter?

Fulfilling a contract
We process your data to identify you as a customer, to manage and deliver your order and to manage invoicing and payment. We also process your personal data to be able to help you if you contact us with questions, comments or, for example, a complaint.

Information on products and services
We use your personal data to send you text messages and emails with information on our products, services and inspiration as well as educational content on skin and skin care. You can withdraw your consent to receive newsletters, SMS, promotions and offers at any time by contacting us or using the unsubscribe link provided in each newsletter and SMS.

If you choose to opt-in during the skinome.com registration process or at other times when you may provide personal information, the information you provide may be used to create and deliver direct marketing communications to you.

Direct marketing includes all types of marketing, such as our regular email list, SMS and postal mailings, which may consist of promotions, special discounts, new product launches, upcoming updates, skin care advice, product recommendations and other relevant information ("Opt-In Communications").

We will never disclose your information to unauthorized parties or resell it to an external party.

15.5 Med vem delar vi personuppgifterna?

Payment solutions Legal basis: in order to fulfill the purchase contract.

We share data with Shopify and Klarna in order to take payment, manage invoices and payments. Shopify and Klarna will collect personal data about you in connection with payment. Shopify and Klarna are thus data controllers for this information according to the companies' terms and conditions. See Klarna 's terms and conditions or Shopify's terms and conditions.


Carrier/Carrier/Unifaun Legal basis: To be able to fulfill the purchase agreement.
Our carriers access the personal data required to fulfill and deliver your order.

Google/Facebook Legal basis: Balancing of interests
We share analytics data via third party cookies for marketing and web analytics to improve our services. We do not record any information about the visitor's IP address, therefore the information about you can never be linked to your identity.

We use the Google Analytics analytics tool to improve the content, navigation and structure of the website. The analytics tool uses JavaScript and cookies and the information about your use is anonymized.

To avoid having your information saved, you can choose not to accept cookies in your browser.

Direct marketing
Legal basis: Consent from customer
In order to send you information about our products and services, we use an external CRM system where we store your e-mail address. You can cancel your subscription at any time, either via the link in the newsletter or by contacting us directly at info@skinome.se.

Authorities Legal basis: Exercise ofpublic authority and task in the public interest
On request, we may be obliged by law and official decisions to disclose certain personal data, for example to the police in connection with a criminal investigation.

Other legal basis: Balance of interests
We may, where appropriate, transfer your personal data to recipients other than those listed above if it is necessary for our operations. All handling of personal data is subject to high levels of security and confidentiality. We may also share information with potential buyers if we were to sell all or part of our business or in the event of a merger.

15.6 Rekrytering och personaladministration

This applies to the processing of job applications and possible new employment. Termination of employment. Administration of any rehabilitation and discrimination cases.

  • CV
  • name
  • telephone number
  • Address
  • Physical address
  • Image posted by the candidate himself (optional)
  • Social Security number
  • Cover letter where there may be medical history or the like
  • Email exchange between recruitment manager and candidate
  • Notes from recruitment officer for interviews
  • Results from work test linked to the service
  • Contact details for references

Legal basis: legitimate interest in completing or terminating recruitment processes and, where appropriate, retaining information on security in the event of discrimination or similar cases. Express consent where sensitive information may be involved.

Retention period: 60 months fromcollection or termination of recruitment process.

To follow up on references during recruitment
If someone has provided contact information to references during the recruitment process, we only save their name, telephone number and e-mail address. We keep the information until the recruitment process is completed. 

17. Cookies
17.1 Vad är Cookies

Cookies are small text files consisting of letters and numbers that are sent to from our web server and stored on your browser or device. On skinome.com we use the following cookies:

1) Session cookies (a temporary cookie that expires when you close your browser or device)

2. Persistent cookies (cookies that remain on your computer until you delete them or they expire)

3. first-party cookies (cookies set by the website you visit)

4. third-party cookies (cookies set by a third-party website. We use these primarily for analytics, such as Google Analytics).

5. similar technologies (technologies that store information in your browser or on your device in a manner similar to cookies)

The cookies we use normally improve the services we offer. Some of our services need cookies to function properly, while others improve the services for you. We use cookies for comprehensive analytical information regarding your use of our services and to save functional settings such as language and other data. We also use cookies to target relevant marketing to you.

17.2 Påverka användningen av cookies

Your browser or device allows you to change the settings for the use and scope of cookies. Go to the settings of your browser or device to learn more about how to adjust your cookie settings. Examples of things you can adjust include blocking all cookies, accepting only first-party cookies or deleting cookies when you close your browser. Keep in mind that some of our services may not work if you block or delete cookies. You can read more about cookies in general on the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority's website, pts.se.

17.3 Så här länge sparar vi dina personuppgifter

We save personal data as long as there is a legal basis, a documented purpose for the processing or an ongoing user relationship. We have ongoing procedures that ensure that we do not store unnecessary personal data and we minimize the storage time as much as possible. Normally we save your customer data for a maximum of three years from your last customer contact. However, we save data needed under the Accounting Act, for up to eight years.

17.4 Så här skyddar vi dina personuppgifter

We have taken appropriate security measures to protect your personal data against loss, misuse and unauthorized access. The number of people who have access to your personal data is limited. Only people with us who need to process your personal data have access to it. The suppliers with whom we share personal data will only process it on our behalf and do so in accordance with our instructions.

17.5 Du bestämmer över dina personuppgifter

You have the right to know which of your personal data is held by Skinome Research AB and to request that it be deleted.

To access that information or to delete your data, your request must be in writing, contain your full name and social security number and be signed by you.

Send your application to Skinome Research AB, Hornsgatan 172, 117 28, Stockholm. The data or confirmation of deletion will be sent without undue delay to your registered address.

You can always use the unsubscribe link contained in all promotions, offers and newsletters we send you.

If your data is incomplete, inaccurate or irrelevant, you have the right to request that it be corrected or deleted. You also have the right to claim damages if the processing of your personal data has not complied with the law.

Among the things that cannot be deleted are, among other things, data required by the Accounting Act and data required for Skinome Research AB to be able to fulfill its obligations in case of e.g. complaints.

It is important to us that you feel safe. We protect your personal privacy and always strive to process your personal data with the utmost respect. If you still believe that we are processing your personal data incorrectly, please contact us. You also have the opportunity to lodge a complaint with the Privacy Protection Authority, which is the authority that supervises the processing of personal data.

Skinome Research AB reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy at any time in time, to the extent that they are necessary to remedy disruptions or comply with new legal and technical requirements. Any changes to this privacy policy will be published on the website.

For further information about our personal data management, please refer to info@skinome.se.