Allt om hud
The skin during premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

The skin in premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a well-known part of many women's monthly cycle and can include a range of symptoms, such as...

Freshly made skincare
Our guide to prebiotics

Unser Ratgeber zu Präbiotika

Prä-Pro- und Post-Biotika klingen so ähnlich, erfüllen aber völlig unterschiedliche Funktionen für die Gesundheit unserer Haut und unseres Darms. Obwohl...

Freshly made skincare
Our guide to probiotics

Unser Ratgeber zu Probiotika

Die Forschung zum Mikrobiom hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten zugenommen und zeigt, dass wir in verschiedenen Teilen unseres Körpers, einschließlich...

Allt om hud
Tips and tricks - how to best protect your hands

Tipps und Tricks – wie Sie Ihre Hände am besten schützen

Winter, Hitze, Wasser, trockene Luft, viel Händewaschen, Seife und Desinfektionsmittel. Ein gewöhnlicher Tag in unserem Leben kann für unsere armen...

Freshly made skincare
Fresh vs traditional skincare - what is what?

Frische oder traditionelle Hautpflege – was ist was?

Zu lange gab es auf dem Hautpflegemarkt eigentlich nur eine Option, nämlich das, was wir bei Skinome traditionelle Hautpflege nennen....

Freshly made skincare
About our product design and what it means

Über unser Produktdesign und was es bedeutet

Lernen Sie Julia und Shila kennen, die gemeinsam Opposite House bilden – unsere Kreativagentur und Kooperationspartnerin! Gemeinsam mit ihnen haben...

Allt om solskydd
Skin expert's top 5 sun protection tips

The 5 best sun protection tips from the skin expert

Most of us love to spend time in the sun, and if we get the sun in reasonable amounts, we will be able to...

Allt om hud
Skinome's skincare is obviously PFAS-free - but why do others use them?

Skinome's skincare is obviously PFAS-free - but why do other people use them?

You will of course not find PFAS in Skinome's products, we have never used these hazardous substances, as the products are...

Allt om hud
Endocrine disruptors and possible impact during pregnancy

Endocrine disruptors and possible effects during pregnancy

Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that can disrupt the body's hormonal balance. They are found in many everyday products that we use regularly....

Synthetic or natural ingredients - which is best?

Synthetic or natural ingredients - which is better?

We are often asked whether we use only natural ingredients in our skin care products and avoid chemicals. All chemicals are...

Production of chemicals - different methods

Production of chemicals - different methods

Synthetic chemicals are those produced by man through chemical processes. These substances may be completely new or variations of a...

Allt om hud
Can too much cleansing cause rosacea?

Can too much cleaning cause rosacea?

Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder of the face, and many people experience one or more symptoms such as hot flushes, abnormal blood vessels, and...

Allt om hud
Peeling away dead skin cells? The skin expert explains

Removing dead skin cells? The skin expert explains

At Skinome we often receive questions about skin peeling. If it is good for the skin, what are the results?

Allt om hud
Three myths about sebum - a scientific perspective

Three myths about sebum - a scientific perspective

The abundance of information about sebum in the media can easily lead to confusion about its main functions and its actual role in the body....