We all have a story to tell when it comes to our skin, and for many it has not always been an easy relationship. We know that many people have issues with their skin and unfortunately the beauty industry has created an image of what 'perfect skin' should look like, an image that is often unattainable. We want to change this and celebrate skin by allowing our customers, real people, to take up more space and share their skin journeys.


Real skin, real stories - Axel

Most of us take a journey in our lives when it comes to our skin, a journey that can look slightly different at different times, but for our ambassador Axel Schylström, it was more like two completely different lives when it came to his skin. One where he didn't think about his skin at all, and another where his skin became a central part of his life after being exposed to 16,000 volts and causing third degree burns on large parts of his body. This, of course, influences how he cares for his skin today.

In this episode, Axel shares his skin story and the lessons he learned from his two skin journeys. Watch the full episode now!


Real skin, real results

In our new mini-series "Real Skin Real Results", you can listen to the stories of our customers Maja, Amanda and Ia about their different skin journeys, which we hope will inspire you.

Watch the trailer now and don't miss all 3 episodes!


Real skin, real results - Maja

Meet Maja, who has been a Skinome client for just over a year. Several years ago, Maja had major problems with acne breakouts, which led her to study and learn more about the skin. Her new knowledge led her to buy a variety of products, which resulted in a long and time-consuming skincare routine. Over time, Maja felt that it was no longer sustainable, and after reading Johanna Gillbro's book "Hudbibles", she decided to start all over again. Listen to her story about her skin journey.


Real skin, real results - Ia

Meet our customer Ia, who has been using Skinome products for about 3 years. Ia has always had a great interest in skin care and has been looking for products that can take care of her sensitive and superficially dry skin. She had tried most things on the market with varying results when she came across Skinome and felt that it finally worked. Her skin liked it. Listen to Ira's story about her skin journey.

"The skin is a complex and beautiful organ that plays an important role in how we feel. My goal with Skinome is to contribute to better skin health and to create a skin care product that always focuses on the best of the skin, nothing else." ."
DR. Johanna Gillbro
Research manager and founder

Real skin, real results - Amanda

Meet Amanda who has been a Skinome customer for 3 years. As a teenager she struggled with both acne and combination skin and was offered aggressive products which unfortunately made the condition worse. Since then, Amanda has tried a variety of products and routines, such as the Korean 10-step routine and mixing her own skincare at home, but still hasn't achieved the desired effect. Listen to her story about her relationship with her skin.

Skin Academy

What is fresh skin care?

In an industry where the vast majority of skincare products contain high levels of preservatives and additives, we are going our own way and offering something completely new and unique - fresh skincare. Our products aren't designed to sit on the shelf or in the bathroom for years, so in exchange for a shorter shelf life and less fridge space, you get skincare full of things that are actually good for your skin instead of large quantities of preservatives.