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Skin expert's 4 tips for those with dry and sensitive skin

Nu på hösten när luften blir torrare och det blir kallare börjar många med torr och känslig hud ”känna av” sin hud igen. Under sommaren känns huden mjuk och skön men med höstens intåg blir huden torrare och vissa upplever att huden stramar och blir känsligare. Hudkänslighet kan ha komplexa orsaker som en tunnare överhud men även en förändring i hudens känslighetsreceptorer. Flera ämnen i hudvårdsprodukter kan trigga en känslighet så vilken hudvård man väljer att använda och hur man använder den kan vara en viktig komponent för att undvika reaktioner och få en lugn, mjuk och återfuktad hud.

Genom att behandla en torr och känslig hud rätt kan man stärka hudens viktiga barriärfunktion som håller inne fukten i huden, minska vattenförlusten (TEWL) och få  den viktiga hudfloran, d v s mikrobiomet, att trivas och komma i balans. I kombination kommer detta att ge en hud som är starkare, smidigare och friskare. Här kommer Skinomes grundare, Johanna Gillbros, 4 bästa tips på hur vi bäst behandlar en torr och känslig hud.

1. Aim for a minimalist routine and avoid substances that can irritate

To take care of dry and sensitive skin, you should avoid applying many different skin care products with a variety of ingredients to your skin. Many people with sensitive skin can react to common skin care ingredients such as perfumes and preservatives. The more skin care products you use, the more of these less beneficial substances you apply to your skin. Avoid substances such as alcohol, glycols, essential oils, sometimes even natural oils, and preservatives such as phenoxyethanol, ethylhexylglycerin, benzoic acid and potassium sorbate.

Maybe you need to review your skincare routine - and make it shorter? Healthy skin doesn't need lots of different creams, serums and cleansers. On the contrary, using too many skincare products can induce skin sensitivity and long skincare routines can simply have the opposite effect on your skin - they can irritate rather than nourish.

So go through your skincare routine and think about which products you really need and which ingredients you should avoid in your skincare products.

The Skinome routine is simple and for those with dry and sensitive skin we recommend the following:

  1. Applicera ditt val av fuktkräm (Intense Emulsion, Derma Emulsion, Rich Emulsion eller Light Emulsion) på morgonen.
  2. Feel free to cleanse your face, but only in the evening, with one of our cleansers (Mineral Cleanser or Sensitive Cleanser).
  3. You can then combine and blend your moisturiser with our Probiotic Concentrate, which is specifically formulated to nourish and protect dry and sensitive skin, either in the morning or evening or both.

2. Cleanse your skin - but only in the evening!

The basic idea behind cleansing the skin is that it has accumulated particles from urban air, dirt, grease and other unhealthy substances, which need to be removed from skin. This is important but today many people over-clean their skin and scientific studies show that there is a link between over-cleansing and some of the most common skin problems such as dry and sensitive skin or even rosacea.

During the night, the skin produces unique moisture-binding substances that form part of the skin barrier and contribute to soft, healthy skin. Surfactants found in many cleansing products tend to have a negative impact on the skin barrier as they can also dissolve the skin endogenous oils that form in the skin. Therefore, an important tip to avoid dry and sensitive skin is to only cleanse in the evening.

Skinome has two cleansers, Mineral Cleanser and Sensitive Cleanser, both of which cleanse gently but effectively and moisturise. They contain very mild surfactants, skin endogenous oils and also pre- and post-biotics.

 3. Soften and moisturize with skin-mimicking ingredients

So-called skin-mimicking ingredients are substances that are naturally present in the skin and that the skin is therefore used to. These ingredients work with the skin and support its natural function. After all, the skin has evolved over more than 300,000 years and is a super-competent system that we should disturb as little as possible. skin-mimicking moisturizers and emollients are undoubtedly the most important ingredients for dry and sensitive skin.

Mjukgörare: Hudliknande mjukgörare är till exempel ceramider, squalane, lecitin och kolesterol. Dessa finns alla i hudens egen välgörande blandning av oljor och vatten som tillsammans med fuktbindande ämnen är så viktiga för en frisk och stark hud.

Fuktbindare: För att huden ska behålla fukt kan vi hjälpa till genom att tillsätta ingredienser som binder vatten i huden. Glycerin, karbamid (urea) och PCA finns även naturligt i huden där det binder vatten i det översta lagret och återfuktar huden.

När vi utvecklar Skinomes produkter lägger vi stort fokus på att använda hudliknande ingredienser såsom de mjukgörande och fuktbindande ämnen som rekommenderas ovan och som passar en torr och känslig hud. I vår nya fuktkräm Intense Emulsion, som är utvecklad för att vårda och bygga upp känslig och även torr till mycket torr hud, använder vi även sockerarten erytritol som tillsammans med karbamid och PCA ökar hudens fukthalt.

4. Feed your good bacteria 

All the trillions of microorganisms that live on our skin and make up the skin microbiome help, among other things, to moisturise the skin and have an anti-inflammatory function. We know that a high diversity of bacteria is good for the skin and there are ways to increase diversity that also contribute to a balanced microbiome, which is essential for healthy and strong skin.

An imbalance in the microbiome has been linked to skin diseases such as acne, psoriasis, eczema and rosacea, but also to sensitive skin. The microbiome can become imbalanced through the use of skin care products containing ingredients that can interfere, such as preservatives.

To correct the balance and enrich the microbiome, pre-pro or postbiotics can be used. In simple terms, prebiotics are fibres that act as food for our good bacteria, probiotics are good, living bacteria and postbiotics are substances produced by the good bacteria. By using skincare products that contain biotics, you can eventually build up your skin, increase the diversity of good bacteria and make it less sensitive.  

Många av Skinome’s produkter innehåller antingen pre-, pro- eller postbiotika. Probiotic Concentrate som innehåller levande mjölksyrebakterier av sorten Lactobacillus reuteri är utvecklad för att passa just torr och känslig hud. 

Lactobacillus reuteri is the most well-studied probiotic bacterium in the world, with 224 clinical studies and over 200 patents to its name. Each bottle contains over 100 billion bacteria and has been shown in clinical studies we have done to increase the diversity of good bacteria on the skin and have a very positive effect on skin health.