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Ina's skin journey with Skinome
Ina is 40 years old and comes from Ljungby in Småland. The first meeting with Skinome happened by chance via the buying and selling group "Labels we low" on Facebook. A member of the group had posted a skin care product with the description "Fresh skin care", which caught Ina's interest and made her dig further. Now, a few years later, Ina is a loyal customer of ours. We had the honor of interviewing her about her skin journey and experience with our products.

What has your skin journey looked like?

My interest in skincare started about ten years ago when I was in my 30s. I have always had a sensitive and reactive skin with some redness around the nose and chin, surface dryness, spots and oily t-zone, so finding skin care products that are both kind and effective has been a challenge. Over time, my skin care interest has grown and made me a real skin care nerd.

What has your relationship with your skin been like?

My relationship with my skin was fairly unproblematic at a young age. But the older I got, the more difficult it became. My skin became both drier and more sensitive, while I had problems with an oily T-zone, redness and spots that never went away. I felt that my skin started to become looser and that minor wrinkles and pigmentations started to appear here and there. This is where skincare has really helped me, without it I would not have been able to keep my skin in check. As a young person, I did not think that skin care could make such a difference, but oh how wrong I was, today I dare to say that my skin both looks nicer and feels better than when I was young.

Can you describe how your skin feels and how it looks today?

An important part of my skin care has been good cleansing to get rid of clogged pores that cause pimples. Cleansing has been a bit tricky because my skin has reacted strongly to some products, finding one that is both kind and effective is not easy. In winter, my skin becomes extra sensitive and dry and needs even more care. Thanks to skin care and finding Skinome, I can now keep my skin calm and moisturized while reducing signs of aging such as pigmentation, small wrinkles and getting a firmer skin.

Which Skinome products do you currently use and what is your skincare routine?

Idag använder jag Probiotic Concentrate tillsammans med Rich Emulsion både morgon och kväll men brukar byta ut Rich Emulsion mot Intense Emulsion under vinterhalvåret. Jag använder även Night Active Retinol vilket är den enda retinol produkten på marknaden som jag kan använda varje dag utan att irritera huden. Att Night Active Retinol är snäll mot min hy innebär dock inte att jag får sämre resultat, jag kan tydligt se effekten den har mot mina rynkor och pigmenteringar som minskar gradvis. Sen rengör jag min hud endast på kvällen och använder ibland en toner på morgonen om jag känner att det behövs.

What change or positive effect have you experienced with Skinome products?

The change has been absolutely magical! As the skin nerd I am, I have tried a variety of skin care products over the years, some as expensive as up to 3000 SEK. However, what I can say is that no other brand has given my skin as much love, care and calm as Skinomes. Now I don't want to be without them and they have become a staple in my fridge. 

Att använda Skinomes produkter är som att svepa in huden i det mjukaste lenaste täcket. Jag har aldrig upplevt en liknande känsla som den Probiotic Concentrate tillsammans med Intense Emulsion ger min hy. Huden blir omedelbart lugn, återfuktad och har jag rodnad lägger den sig inom bara några minuter. Om jag har en svidande eller irriterande känsla efter att exempelvis varit i solen så försvinner det direkt med den kombinationen. Jag upplever även att min hudton, efter några veckors användning har blivit jämnare och att rynkorna kring mun och ögon blivit mindre framträdande. Mina pigmenteringar ha minskat och framför allt så upplever jag en mycket starkare hudbarriär som gör att huden klarar sig mycket bättre, speciell nu på vintern i det kalla och blåsiga vädret.

Sometimes I run an extra round of Skinome's products during the day just to boost and soothe the skin and because it feels so incredibly comfortable. My 40-year-old skin rejoices in this! 

What is the best thing about Skinome?

I also love that Skinome is so easy to use, despite the fact that there are only a few products, they really do their job and I get better results today than when I had a skin care routine with ten different products. In the beginning, I thought it felt a little hard that the cream should be stored in the refrigerator instead of in the bathroom cabinet, but it's a matter of habit. Now it feels extra nice and reassuring that it is chilled so now I also store my other creams in the refrigerator.  

Since I am a bit of a skincare nerd, I am also very careful to read about the ingredients in the products I choose to use. I know what makes my skin feel good and there Skinome takes home a full pot because their products contain lots of good ingredients that work in depth. In Skinome's products there are no unnecessary fillers or silicones that just settle on the surface and then disappear after a few hours.  

The ingredients are something that I think makes Skinome unique. As a customer, I appreciate that the ingredient lists are not a kilometer long with lots of unnecessary dyes, perfume, etc. Skinome's products simply do only what they are for. Everything is also well proven, if you read about the brand and the products, you realize that there are years of research behind the products and an experienced dermatologist who founded the brand. An extra plus is also that it is a Swedish skincare brand with production in Sweden and female managers. To have development and production in Sweden is not only good from a sustainability perspective, but I also feel that the products are well adapted to the challenges our skin faces in this elongated and sometimes cold country. 

Would you recommend Skinome to other people?

Without hesitation! I'm not the one who usually writes reviews or similar but when I was asked by Skinome, it felt natural to share my experience. As mentioned, I discovered Skinome by chance but am so grateful for the positive effect Skinome's products have had on my skin. I am so grateful that I have found this brand and wish that more people get the chance to discover and appreciate Skinome as I have.