Payment cards that are not linked to Shop Pay
If your payment card is not linked to Shop Pay, you can update your payment method via your customer account with us.
Update payment method via customer account:
1. Log in to your Skinome account.
2. Select Manage Subscriptions.
3. Go to the Address and payment method section.
4. Click on Change payment method and then on Edit next to the payment cards you wish to update.
5. Select Send link to change payment method.
You will now receive a link from us where you can update your payment method. Make sure the address and name are correct before saving.
6. If you want to update to an existing active payment card on your Skinome account, click Use for all orders under the card. You will then get a box where you can confirm the update.
Payment card linked to Shop Pay
If your payment card is connected to Shop Pay, you need to log in to the Shop Pay app to update your payment method. There you can choose to either add a new card or switch to another if you have more cards inserted. In Shop Pay, you need to add a new/change card for your subscriptions before you can remove your old payment card.
Update payment method in Shop Pay:
1. Go to the Active Orders section and click on the subscription you wish to update.
2. Scroll down to your Subscription details and then select Update Payment Method.
3. Depending on whether you have another card inserted or wish to add a new one, you have two options:
- Choose to update to an existing active card on your Shop Pay account and click Update.
- Click on Use another card to add a new one. Click Update.
4. Ensure that your payment method has been updated to the new payment card.
If you need help updating your payment method, please contact our customer service at