Allt om hud
Hudvård under klimakteriet

Skin care during menopause

During menopause, many notice changes on the skin. Then it might be worth reviewing your skin care routine so that...

Allt om hud
Vuxenakne – orsaker och tips för att minska besvären

Adult acne - causes and tips to reduce the problem

Adult acne is a problem that more and more adult women and men encounter. Although acne is often seen as...

Allt om hud
5 tips för dig med akne eller aknebenägen hud

5 tips for you with acne or acne-prone skin

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions and affects millions of people worldwide, both young people and adults....

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5 tips för dig som har rosacea

5 tips for those with rosacea

Rosacea is a chronic and inflammatory skin disease that affects millions of people worldwide. It usually shows up as redness...

Allt om hud
Azelainsyra: Mångsidig hudvårdsingrediens för akne och rodnad

Azelaic acid: Versatile skincare ingredient for acne and redness

Azelaic acid, despite being a mild acid, has powerful properties that make it effective in treating a range of skin...

Allt om hud
Förklimakteriet: Så påverkas din hud och våra bästa tips för att hantera det

Premenopause: How it affects your skin and our best tips for dealing with it

Pre-menopause, or perimenopause, involves a time of significant hormonal changes that affect the body in several ways – not least...

Allt om hud
Torr och knottrig hud? Rich Body Cream har bevisad effekt i kliniska studier

Dry and bumpy skin? Rich Body Cream has a proven effect in clinical studies

Dry and bumpy skin, also often called "chicken skin", is a common skin condition characterized by patches of bumpy and...

Allt om hud
Huden under premenstruellt syndrom (PMS)

The skin during premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a well-known part of many women's monthly cycles, which can include a range of symptoms from...

Allt om hud
Tips och trick – hur du bäst skyddar dina händer

Tips and tricks - how to best protect your hands

Winter, heat, water, dry air, lots of hand washing, soap and disinfectants. An ordinary day in our life can really...

Allt om hud
Skinomes hudvård självklart utan PFAS - men varför använder andra dem?

Skinome's skin care obviously without PFAS - but why do other people use them?

You will of course not find PFAS in Skinome's products, we have never used these health-hazardous substances as the risks...

Allt om hud
Hormonstörande ämnen och möjlig påverkan under graviditet

Hormone-disrupting substances and possible impact during pregnancy

Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that can disrupt the body's hormonal balance. They are found in many everyday products that we...